Baby Alice

My friends are no longer a family of three! Little miss Alice made her appearance last week right before Christmas. I think we all know that's one of the best gifts of all. Alice's big brother Soren is taking on the role of 'big brother' more than well. He is rocking it! From what I hear, he is already a great helper! Congrats to this newly family of four! Enjoy!Mouw-9730.jpg Mouw-9745.jpg Mouw-9766.jpg Mouw-9799.jpg Mouw-9760.jpg Mouw-9738.jpg Mouw-9769.jpg Mouw-9752.jpg Mouw-9754.jpg Mouw-9763.jpg Mouw-9734.jpg Mouw-9750.jpg Mouw-9758.jpg Mouw-9761.jpg Mouw-9743.jpg Mouw-9783.jpg Mouw-9791.jpg Mouw-9800.jpg Mouw-9774.jpg Mouw-9790.jpg Mouw-9798.jpg Mouw-9785.jpg Mouw-9813.jpg Mouw-9805.jpg Mouw-9877.jpg Mouw-9832.jpg Mouw-9927.jpg Mouw-9843.jpg Mouw-9853.jpg Mouw-9817.jpg Mouw-9945.jpg Mouw-9887.jpg Mouw-9943.jpg Mouw-9866.jpg Mouw-9935.jpg Mouw-9880.jpg Mouw-9836.jpg Mouw-9889.jpg Mouw-9947.jpg