Engagements & What to Wear
Prepping for an engagement session can be very stressful! I remember prepping for mine & I was SO indecisive on what to wear and I certainly didn't know what Alex should wear! I wanted to blog some tips for you all so hopefully this comes in handy to at least a few of you out there :)
Location, Props, & Themes. Let's start with Location. When narrowing down your location options, it's always good to think about what STYLE you looking for. Rustic? Urban? Or just lots and lots of tall grass? :) Think of places that you MEANINGFUL to you and your soon-to-be spouse. Matt & Kaitlyn (the photo below) thought it would be meaningful to have a location be at a park! Why? Well, their first date was at a park where they sat on the swings together. A perfect way to document an unforgettable moment. Joel proposed to Amber in this EXACT spot! Campfire & everything. We re-enacted it and they loved the results & so do I. :)
Props. I usually always tell my brides if they have any props they would like to bring along they sure may! This doesn't mean 'go dig through grandmas attic'. (But if you want to I am totally okay with it :)) It means bring anything that might be meaningful to the two of you. Or, something that you just might like! For Cameron & Kari's session I brought along a blanket & 2 mugs. It didn't have any meaning but I just thought it would be so fun! (and they both are super fun so I thought it would fit :))
When Hannah & I met to discuss her engagement session details we both came up with this idea!! She loves the Vintage style & they both are country lovers!
Just a few more ideas!
Theme. This can be a little more difficult to understand. The photo below of Shelby & Bret describes it PERFECTLY!! They both love the Iowa State Cyclones. It is just a little piece of their relationship that describes THEM! The perfect location, outfit, & props makes a great themed shoot!!
What To Wear. In no way shape or form am I saying 'my way or the highway'! No No No! This is just what I feel works best! It's good to be creative in your own way and make your outfits fit who YOU are! You want to be able to feel comfortable in what you choose and feel GOOD about yourself! Pick a few colors and just go with it! Don't be afraid to use scarfs & necklaces or cardigans!
Probably a lot of you have heard that patterns seem to appear 'busy' in photographs. But I for one LOVE pattern outfits!! They can come out busy yes, but only if you both are wearing different patterns. Have someone wear a solid color while the other is wearing a pattern!
I have yet to be disappointed from my brides! If after this post you still feel frazzled and need help, don't worry I am more than HAPPY to give you my input and help make your engagement session fit you and your hubby perfectly!