Marra Girls

Seeing sisterly love is by far one of my favorite things to photograph. Especially when they are THIS sweet!! 

All three girls braved the cold with me, and did a WONDERFUL job. The littlest girly is a blessing to their sisters and family in so many ways. Her red hair reminds them of their grandma and how much they miss her dearly.

Loved meeting all these ladies and I still wish I had all their clothes... Enjoy! 

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Maddox - 1 Year

Miss Fashionista is ONE!! You can bet that her birthday outfit was one to remember. 

Maddox had fun taking pictures with a PIG! Was she even scared? No. Was I? Yes. I never been that close to a real life pig before, and they are really cute animals in their own way. :) 

Love spending time with this girl. Her personality is as big as her bows! 

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Jasmine - Class of 2018

Meet Jasmine, a fashionista who is going to PARIS next year.. for school.. high school.  Anyone else thinking "where was this program when I was in high school??"  I know I am. Best wishes to you on all of your adventures Jasmine!! Enjoy! 

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Kallemeyn Family

Oh my GOODNESS it's session like this that make my heart so happy. Even though we were getting bit up by those nasty little black bugs.. are they gone yet?? The kiddos did great.  It may have been a not so fun experience for the little babe, but who could tell??

I love Fall and families like this. Enjoy! 

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Kooima Family

Meet the Kooima Family! A busy family of 4, with two of the most adorable boys! Especially when the youngest has red hair and sticks out his tongue when he smiles. :) 

Megan used to be one of my Drill Team Coaches assistant back in High School! It's always fun catching up with those from our past and seeing the beautiful families they have. 

Loved spending the evening being silly with these guys. Enjoy! 

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Brian & Shannon - Engaged

Another wedding I am more than thrilled about for next Spring. Brian & Shannon have been together for about 5 years, and their engagement story is awesome!! He surprised her with a new outfit, spa day and so much more before he got down on one knee!

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Johannah - Class of 2018

Meet Johannah! A sweet, talented bubbly senior with GORGEOUS eyes. Her hair color though. :) 

Learning all about Johannah's hobbies and seeing what she loves is always one of the reasons why I love photographing seniors. I got to meet her goat, kitties, dogs and see her use her bow & arrow!! Don't even get me started on how she lit up when she got to show me her shot puts and discs. 

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Ryan & Cady - Maternity

Ryan & Cady have PRAYED for this baby so hard, that it's crazy to think he/she is almost here! October is baby month, and we know both sides of the family are more than excited.

I have known these both for awhile because they are videographers and I absolutely LOVE working with them, even though they are cutting back on that a little bit. For obvious reasons. :)

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Seth & Shelby - Wedding

Seth and Shelby were wed at Terrace View Event Center in Sioux Center, Iowa. They had a gorgeous greenery theme with pops of burgandy. 

Despite the constant threat of rain, it ended up being a gorgeous day!! I even needed to pull out my 'mini portable' fan. Well, I didn't NEED to, but I just couldn't pass up any opportunity!

Cloud cover is a photographer's dream, and you can tell why from the pictures! 

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Piper - 9 Months

I absolutely wouldn't mind if I could photograph this little girl for the rest of my days. She is the cutest little red head with style and big eyes that just don't quit! I am already anticipating her one year photos. 

Seriously though, when a 9 month old wears a SCARF you know the photos are bound to be adorable! We may have all gotten bit up from mosquitos, (I had 16 bites on just one shoulder) but it was so worth it!! 

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Dominic & Katlyn - Engaged

Dominic and Katlyn are that type of couple that anyone can click with. Spending the evening with them venturing through Sioux City was so light and fun! I cherish the memories that I make with my brides and grooms on their engagement sessions. The 911 operator may or may not have scared the willies out of us on the elevator!! And no, we did NOT press the emergency button....

I am in love with Katlyn's style and I can only imagine how beautiful their wedding will be. June can't get here soon enough! Enjoy!

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Caleb & Amanda

These two are my next door neighbors!! I absolutely LOVE living by them. They take 'love your neighbor as yourself' to a whole new level. Multiple dinners, random bonfires, and watching Aria when I need to get my lawn mowed! Not to mention their cute dog HOLLY and how much Aria and her get along.

I am BEYOND blessed to love everyone that I live by. Enjoy!

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Feenstra Family

What a FUN family these guys are!! You know it's going to be a good time when they bring their two pups! Seeing the personalities of all the kids and how different they are reminds me of my siblings & I. But they all share one thing, their love for their dogs. 

Although the dad just HAD to pick up a snake... it was fun spending the time with this family of 6.. or 8 I mean. :)  Enjoy!

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Josh & Melissa - Wedding

Josh and Melissa were married at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Le Mars, Iowa with their reception followed at the Le Mars Convention Center. 

The day started off beautifully with the couple's first look. This is always a highlight for me because it gives me a glimpse into the true emotions of the couple and it's just such a special moment to have captured. It was especially sweet this time because anyone who meets Josh and Melissa can tell right away that they have HUGE hearts. They love life and they love helping others. It's reflected in their personalities and that made it all the more joyous to be around them. Plus, the weather was perfect for a wedding - warm, but a slight breeze. 

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Casey & Michaela - Engaged

Ohhh how I love bubbly happy couples. Especially when one of them may or may not have been told he's a Ryan Gosling look-a-like. Am I right?!

Casey & Michaela are high school sweet-hearts, and Michaela's sister and Casey's borther are actually MARRIED to each other! As crazy as it sounds, that isn't the first time I've heard that!

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Jessi - Class of 2018

Meet Jessi, a Western Chrisian soon-to-be Graduate!

Jessi has such a sweet personality.You can tell she has a heart of gold, and I'm convinced there isn't a mean bone in her body!!

 She shares a love for volleyball and hopes to play in college, wherever that may be!

I had a great time with Jessi and her biggest fan, her mom and sisters!! 


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Jordan - Newborn

Meet my newest nephew Jordan! He is such a SWEETIE!! I may be biased but I feel he looks just like my brother! But as most of us know that can easily change so very quickly. 

Jordan eats like a champ but still doesn't let his mama and daddy get much sleep at night. Brody obviously is more than thrilled about his little brother and loves to 'cuddle' with him. 

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