"Are you kidding me?!" These were the words I couldn't stop saying during this whole wedding. Such a BEAUITFUL Dutch Themed wedding! Every detail about this wedding was absolutely gorgeous. The bride had blue shoes, the bridesmaid's dress was blue and white, and they served delicious Dutch treats like almond patties, donut holes, and almond tassies at the reception.
Read MoreCarlie was a NATURAL at this whole picture thing. Not to mention that her mom also has an eye for it as well!! I had so much fun with this soon to be senior graduate at Trinity.
I LOVE when seniors make their photos more personal.. such as Carlie's adorable hat and ukulele!! That's right. She decided one day she wanted to purchase one. She then taught herself how to play it! You-Tube anyone?! What s a musical talent she's been given.
Read MoreOh my goodness look at this little girl!! I was more than excited to share Emersyn's photos, not only because she is my friends adorable baby, but I mean look at her! She has the most beautiful blue eyes..and brows!
Another reason why I was more than excited to share these photos is because then I felt I could shout off the rooftops how excited I am to have this family back HOME!! They have been living in Des Moines for the past couple years, and I feel it still hasn't quite sunk in for me yet.
Lots of play dates and coffee are in our future, Abbie!!!
Read MoreMy Graphic Designer and Friend, Kendra, now has a 6 month old!! She had this ADORABLE idea of having bubbles floating around in the background. Such an adorable idea!
Finn is such a happy little guy with eyebrows that just don't quit! :) Love this little boy and am so glad that Aria & Finn get to play at daycare together. Enjoy!
Read MoreMy nephew Jordan is here!! He arrived on July 15th right before his daddy's birthday. Everyone knows this is the best birthday gift anyone can ask for!
Aria was SO excited to meet the new baby. I think I heard her talk about 'baby Jordan' for one week straight.
Big brother Brody was more than welcoming to Jordan. There were lots of kisses, petting and 'my baby' quotes involved. It's amazing how Brody knew right away that Jordan was his brother.
I love this family so much, and am so thankful to become an auntie for the third time!
Read MoreMeet Madison! A soon to be West Sioux Graduate!
Her anticipation is REAL for graduation day. I think we know it's typical for senioritis. I know it was for me! Once you see her Hawk-eye Bibs, you will understand how excited she is to be a Hawkeye!!
Madison is interested in PHOTOGRAPHY! It made me so excited to hear about how she shares the same passion as I do. And can we please talk about her hair?? She actually cut it a few days ago, but waited until after photos. I'm so glad she did!
Read MoreWant to meet 2 kids with the funnest personalities?? Right here.
Landon is a GOOF BALL and has such a sweet and witty personality! I swear he might be funnier than most adults. :) And little miss Audrey, all you need to do it make a funny noise and she's the star of the show.
Knowing just what I know about their parents, there is a reason they have such beautiful personalities. Can't wait for their family photo shoot in October!!
Read MoreWhen this family contacted me to photograph their family again I was a little excited. The last time I saw them all was almost 2 years ago and it's always so cool so see how kids grow and change, and yet how their personality is still the same.
We had a HOT HOT day for photos but that didn't keep the kiddos from smiling! They wanted to keep taking photos! Straight up dedication. It just shows, having your photo taken is supposed to be fun, and I think they had more than that! :)
Read MoreM friend's baby isn't a baby anymore!! Lincoln is ONE! He has his mom's sweet blonde curls, and I just can't get enough! Who doesn't love curls on a little boy??
Lincoln's personality is so sweet. Not to mention he already has better style than me. He is so easy going and loves sticks; I may have brought that out in him to get him to giggle. I think his mom, Kari might have been the one giggling!
Can't wait for the many more play dates that Lincoln and Aria will have! Aaaand that they will more than likely be in the same grade makes me a tad bit excited :) Enjoy!
Read MoreThis family is so near and dear to my heart. Not only have I been there to photograph both Kambrie and Bruxsen's newborn photos, but their mom Kari has been doing my hair since the 8th grade! (Fine Design woot woot!)
I love seeing how God is working in Kari's life and it's so comforting to hear how shes grown so much in her faith and to see how she can bless her clients everyday. So thankful for our friendship and the sweet souls of her kiddos!
Read MoreTaylor and Emily were wed on the 1st of July in a beautifully plum decorated Covenant CRC in Sioux Center. A reception followed at the Dordt College Campus Center, which was even more memorable for the couple since Dordt is where they met!
Taylor and Emily were absolutely adorable throughout the day and photographing them was SO easy; they were so comfortable and so clearly in love I felt like I was catching a peek at what their marriage is going to look like! They're excited to be married because it means no more long distance love. Taylor has been teaching in Saipan and plans to continue, so Emily is going to join him there after she finishes her Master's this summer. That will make for an exciting first year of marriage!
Their wedding day was marked by beautiful sunny skies, pops of purple, and the cutest bookmark wedding favors. All in all, a lovely day with lovely people!
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Want to meet a sweet family of three?? Right here. But they won't be a family of three for long.. A little MISS is going to make her appearance in about a month!
Knox has such a sweet personality. His brown eyes, his parted hair, this boy is going to be a heart breaker! Please PLEASE check out the pictures of him lifting up his shirt so we can see his belly just like his mamas belly. It's moments like THOSE that melt me.
Read MoreHaving a laid back family to photograph is such a blessing! The Altenas purchased my ATLAS donation of a family photography session and the Lord continues to bless me with the sweetest families every year!!
Watching all of the cousin love happening here hit so close to home. Aria ADORES her cousins as well and I think it is such a blessing to have cousins that you love and live so close by.
Thanks again to this wonderful family for making my job that much more fun!
Read MoreWhen you put a sweet red headed baby in an urban setting, you know you've hit the jackpot for photos. Anyone else jealous of her big blue eyes and porcelin skin??
Piper is 6 months old! Her mom Hallie had such a fun idea of having her look at herself in a mirror and it was a total hit. She LOVED it. Not as much as sucking on her little toes though. :)
Read MoreA Sioux Center Family Session
Do you like surprises?? Right here. Mark & Natalie surprised the kiddos with a PUPPY at the end of the session so that they would be able to focus for photos in the beginning. Although their guesses were an elephant or a doll, their hopes were not let down!
Little did Natalie know that Mark was on one knee behind her while watching the kids play with the puppy. It was such a beautiful moment that I am still honored to be apart of.
Mark & Natalie I wish you two the best and have fun planning a WEDDING!!
Read MoreMy Brother and Sister are expecting baby number two in about a month! I often times forget that my sister Steph is pregnant because she is ALL BABY! Doesn't she look fantastic?? Yes Darren, you also look great!
Big brother Brody is getting ready to play his part. You'll notice in some of the photos him pointing and pulling on his mamas belly.
Steph is expecting another boy and I'm already dreaming to see if he'll have Brody's naughty eyes or not. :)
Being able to photograph all of the big moments in my siblings life is such an honor and I am so thankful I get to be the one to do that for you them! Congrats Darren & Steph!
Read MoreI absolutely LOVE summer weddings. Especially when the colors consist of lavender. Ben & Megan were married at Hagge Park in Sac City, Iowa. Ben & Megan actually met at their job. They are both teachers! Most romantic way to meet? Probably...
Once they started dating they had to keep it a little hush hush because we all know how kiddos can be when they hear two of their teachers are DATING! It wasn't long until they shared the news because they knew they had found the one.
They shared a beautiful outdoor wedding where the breeze was perfect enough to keep cool from the warm sun that was shining. Their reception was so relaxed and FUN! They had live music, a s'more bar, and lots and lots of friends and family sharing the joy.
Read MoreDo you love dogs, the Yankees and the love for our soldiers?? If so, CHECK THESE TWO OUT!! Tyler & Allison met working at Hy-Vee together! Anyone else a fan of those supermarket love stories??
Allison is currently in school and planning an amazing elephant/geometric themed wedding! Umm.. yes please. I cannot WAIT to see how everything comes together on their wedding day. Tyler is currently in the army and I just want to thank him again for his service!!
Read MorePiper Faith is almost ONE! Why does the first year always seem to fly by more than others?? Piper's personalty is so light and sweet. She is curious and would be content with a simple rock..(which she seemed to find wherever she was sitting!)
I love when clients continue to come to me for photos throughout the years. I actually shot Piper's parents wedding, and now they have a soon to be one year old!
As most of you know, I love planning.. So when I found out they are having a WATERMELON themed birthday party… I geeked out a little bit. :) Especially when there is a matching dress involved. :) Happy birthday Piper! Enjoy!
Read MoreCoopers' sweet mom, Maria, emailed me and was a bit worried since apparently Cooper didn't want to take a nap the day of our session! Things like this seem to happen a lot with littles and pictures. Either they just bumped their head or got scratched, it just shows with kids, you need to go with the flow!You would never know that Cooper didn't get his daily nap in!!
He had so much fun and did a fantastic job! He was quite the poser and showed Maria and I his inner model skills. Seriously though, check out his adorable BIG BROTHER shirt. :)
Cooper shares the same love of 'Daniel Tigers Neighborhood' like Aria. Yes I did sing the theme song for Cooper and he didn't mind one bit that I am not as good as the regular!! I love making memories like this with my kiddos and being the one to give them a congratulatory sucker. :)
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