Jenna & Eric

Saturday, May 13 was a beautiful day for Jenna and Eric’s wedding at St. Mary’s Church in Hawarden, Iowa. The couple has kind of a fun story – they met about eight years ago and dated for a few weeks, but then Jenna ended up moving down south for about four years.. When she came back and started living in Minneapolis, Eric called her up for a date! They’ve been inseparable ever since. :)

This couple is clearly in love and meant to be together. How cute are their portraits?? We took pictures in Oak Grove and it was one of those perfect days where it’s not too hot and not too cold, plus the bugs aren’t out yet! For Jenna's 'something borrowed' she carried a pink set of pearls around her bouquet that belonged to her grandma – what a neat memory!

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Adam & Valerie

Adam and Valerie are married!! They had a gorgeous black tie themed wedding in Hull, Iowa at the Calvary PRC church. Valerie knew what she wanted when she met Adam. In fact, when she found out that her friend Vanessa was his cousin, she specifically told her "Hey, set me up!" The rest was history.

This black tie wedding was gorgeous. The sparkly bridesmaids dresses add so much I am in love! Everyone got ready at the North Place which was a perfect way to start the day since Valerie's family was staying there since she is from Michigan! The weather was absolutely beautiful.. which is why May is my favorite month. :)

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Mothers Day 2017

I finally had my first photo session with Aria!! She’s 22 months old, so it’s kinda sad that it took me this long, but here’s to new traditions :)

We were finally able to do this because my friend Jenny (of Jenny Marie Photography) is doing Greenhouse Mini Sessions later in May and she wanted some models, so of course I said yes! It was so much fun!!

I will say though, Aria was NOT impressed and would not even LOOK at the camera! So I wasn’t able to get the traditional pictures of us looking at the camera like so many parents and grandparents crave, but I do LOVE the pictures I did get with her. They really showed off one of her defining traits and exactly what my days consist of: Busyness.  And that is just fine with me!! While we all have those days where we wish our kids would just sit still and relax, I am reminded again and again that Aria has been the biggest blessing in my life; busyness and all. She has pushed me in more ways than one. Her personality is so silly and tender-hearted and it’s been such a joy to watch her grow and learn and love these last 22 months. And while she might not love taking pictures, I did discover she loves to LOOK at pictures, so there’s still hope that there’s a little photographer in her! A mom can dream, right?? :)

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Sometimes photo sessions don't go quite as planned, especially when it comes to kiddos. Maddox is such a good-natured sweet baby!! Although she didn't want to show off her gummy smile right away, we worked and worked our craziness off and eventually it worked! She flashed us some ADORABLE smiles while having a little tea party with her piggy. Isn't that the best idea ever?

Maddox's mom has quite the props and knows how to put style into her photo sessions. I love it when clients personalize their photos. Their Uncle actually owns an antique shop in Rock Valley, IA so they definitely took advantage of it!

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Words - Lauren Kleyer

This is my friend Lauren, she's pretty awesome. We attended Unity Christian together and were always great aquaintences. We didn't ever really hangout in college but we shared some awkward laughs here and there... We became great friends last year around the time when I started attended the same church as her. Now it's almost like I can't imagine what it was like not having her as my close friend!

I am so grateful for her and the laughs and comfort she always brings to our conversations. You see it's kind of cool, I have gotten to witness her thrive in this brand stinkin' new business she just launched!!  We were sitting at Butlers having coffee one day discussing our lives and our passions. She opened up to me a bit about her love for writing and how she would love to do that for a living, along with her great job at JFA.

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Joel & Hanna - Wedding

On April 29, Joel and Hanna were married at Calvary CRC in Orange City, IA with the reception following at Living Water church. I’ve known Hanna since high school – we were in soccer together! – and it was such a joy to be able to capture their big day and be reminded of all of our laughs and inside jokes that we used to share on the field.

Joel and Hanna had a simple yet elegant wedding that fit their personalities perfectly. And what a beautiful time of year to have a wedding! It was a little breezy, but the trees were blossoming and the lighting was spectacular and the wedding party was a dream.

How cute are the umbrellas? It may not have been raining…but that doesn’t matter. 

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Seth & Shelby - Engaged

This was a dream engagement session for a photographer! The weather was absolutely gorgeous: a few clouds hanging on the horizon with the rain just starting to fall as we wrapped up.

Seth and Shelby are so clearly in love, it made my heart happy and it made for an easy shoot. I was able to hear about how they got engaged – Shelby was supposed to do the polar plunge at the Okoboji Winter Games, but backed out at the last minute, completely changing Seth’s plan! But he has such a fun, easy-going personality that he just went with it, and they got an amazing video out of it.

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Caleb & Sarah - Wedding

Caleb & Sarah had a beautiful plum & birch themed wedding! They got wed at Immanuel CRC in Orange City, Iowa with  a beautiful reception to follow at the Terrace View Event Center. We were all thrilled since they had AMAZING weather for February! You know, that kind of weather you can't decided whether you want to wear a coat and be a little warm, or not wear it and be a little chilly. :)

Sarah brought DIY to a whole new level. There were SO many great details to capture I couldn't possibly post them all! Although, I wish I could. :)

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