Lindsey's 16!

Lindsey is 16! When I heard her mom was throwing her a surprise party I immediately got to thinking about how FUN it would be to have a surprise photo shoot! They were planning on having Lindsey’s mom take a few photos of them before they went out to eat, and instead, I was creepily in the tall grass waiting for them. Some of the girls even spotted me while waiting for the rest of the crew wondering who was in the middle of the prairie.. I tried not to laugh to hard.

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Ten Napel Family

I was so excited when this family asked me to go out to their farm to take their photos! I absolutely LOVE farms. Secretly I always envy farm homes because I think it would be so much fun to live on one. Probably because then I could have as many cats as I wanted. :) And a golden lab of course!

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Danielle JacobsmaComment
Travis & MiKayla - Wedding

Travis and Mikayla were married at Prairie Winds Event Center in
Orange City, IA, with the reception immediately following indoors.

You never know about the weather in Iowa, and we were surprised it was
so cold for this September wedding!! But everybody made the best of it
and we had a really great time and captured some beautiful memories!!

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Albers Family

HELLO GORGEOUS! This family, right here. When I saw their outfit choices I admittedly geeked out the whole time. I LOVE when families decide to get all dressed up for something special and spend the hour having fun. My goal is to make your photo session a fun memory. Even if the kiddos decide to throw rocks and run in the mud. :)

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Vandenberg Family

Oh my goodness it’s families like this that I LOVE! There is so much love and craziness and no body cares! The sibling love in this family is unreal. They actually WANT to be close. Isn’t that every parents dream??

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Danielle JacobsmaComment
Addison - 1 Year

Little miss sass is almost one! I still remember hearing their story when they were pregnant and now seeing how they were blessed with this peanut makes me so happy. They make fantastic parents from just the little bit that I saw spending the evening with them.

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Svoboda Family

A beautiful late summer night with this fun, relaxed and perfectly dressed family! I am in LOVE with the color scheme they chose for their photos. Leave it to Old Navy to have the best outfit options!

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Karissa - Class of 2019

There's something about Karissa that makes me people want to smile. She has such an easy and kind personality. She brought her cousin along, and oh man, they could be sisters. Or twins with the way they interact with each other! 

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Danielle JacobsmaComment
Craig & Ashlee - Wedding

Craig and Ashlee were married at Peace Lutheran in Remsen, IA with the reception following at the Le Mars Convention Center. 

The lighting was perfect pretty much ALL day for this couple, so photographing them so easy. Plus, there was just genuine joy on their faces for the entire day which always means the pictures will be adorable. It was so fun to be able to get to know Craig and Ashlee better throughout the day! I learned that Ashlee wasn't so sure about Craig in the beginning and she told me she actually ghosted him. Oops! But after finally listening to her heart, realized that he was "the one"! How sweet is that!  

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Danielle JacobsmaComment
The Goslinga Family

Little Breckyn is one and is so close to walking! I think we all know how life changing it is when our child starts to walk.. or run! A reason why us as moms can't always have nice things... at least out of their reach. :) 

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Danielle JacobsmaComment
Bailey & Jameson

Bailey & Jameson immediately made me feel at home at their home! They have an adorable country home in Hartley Iowa where they also have a beautiful old barn.. where their pet pig lives. That's right, a PIG! Bella is her name. Jameson rescued her from the cold winter and soon they will enjoy her yummy bacon. :)  I was hoping she'd make an appearance in the photos but I think we all knew that'd be a little difficult!

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Jacob - Class of 2019

Jacob is a senior!! Two years ago I had the pleasure of photographing his sister Ashley, so it was fun to see their similarities and differences. They both share a calm witty personality. 

Jacob loves golf & swimming. I even got to stand a little to close for comfort while he swung his club for me. But it was worth it. :) 

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Danielle JacobsmaComment
Emily & Kyle - Wedding

Kyle and Emily were married in Omaha, NE at Joslyn Castle. 
Oh my, what a beautiful day we had together!! The weather was a little warm, but the light was SO great! I had the chance to travel from Sioux Center to Omaha for this wedding, and that was so much fun! I love having the opportunity to explore new places with my brides and grooms. 
Kyle and Emily had a beautiful day that was spread out all throughout the city. We did their first look in the Old Market in Omaha. It was fun to be able to find unique spots that really captured the beauty and history of the region! 

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