Megan & Jared - Married

Jared and Megan were married at Tucker Hill Vineyards in Hinton, IA. 

The first look that the couple shared was so precious and it was such an honor to be able to capture that in a photograph. 

I'd never been to Tucker Hill Vineyards before - what a stunning location!! The weather was less than ideal towards the end of the day, but we got some beautiful pictures with some gorgeous skies! And Jared and Megan were such good sports about the rain - you wouldn't even know it wasn't planned! 

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Laura & Andrew - Wedding

Andrew and Laura were married on May 18 at Trinity CRC in Orange City, IA. 

Photographing weddings is my passion, and couples like Andrew and Laura remind me of why I love it so much! These two were an absolute joy to work with and such a great reminder of what true love looks like. 

From the adorable first look at the place where Andrew proposed, to lying in front of the tulips, they couldn't take their eyes off each other or stop grinning from ear to ear. 

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The Baker Family

I just KNEW Cassie was going to have the cutest outfits planned for her girls... and I was right! This family is one of the sweetest families I know. I always love seeing Cassie and Ivy in Kindermusik with Aria. Those two remind me of each other more often than not with their blonde hair and spit fire personalities. 

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Travis & MiKayla - Engaged

When I found out these two had been together for 5+ years I knew their engagement session was going to be a breeze! They were so comfortable with each other and they are just ready to be MARRIED!

MiKayla has thee more adorable style! Not to mention Travis has some 'swag' himself even though he may not want to admit it. Cannot wait for their fall outdoor wedding at Prairie Winds! I already know it's going to be a gorgeous romantic day.  Enjoy! 

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Brian & Shannon

Brian and Shannon were married at St. Patrick's in Sheldon, Iowa with reception following at Crossroads Pavilion Event Center. 

Brian and Shannon were clearly made for each other. Even before he started to cry during their first look, it was apparent that the love they share is something special. I absolutely love shooting weddings, and what makes it even more special is when I can tell the bride and groom genuinely cannot wait to be husband and wife. They are high school sweethearts and have been dating 5 years!

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Emily & Kyle

I had the pleasure of taking Emily & Kyle's engagement photos in Lincoln Nebraska at UNL and the Sunken Gardens! Both gorgeous places!! We were blessed with beautiful weather and not a snow flake in sight... :)

In August Kyle & Emily are going to get wed at the Joslyn Castle in Omaha and I am already dreaming of how gorgeous it is going to be!! Enjoy!

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Joe & Hope

Joe & Hope had a gorgeous elegant wedding at Sunny Brook Church in Sioux City Iowa. 

When I woke up the morning of, I was freaking out..just a little. There was so much snow than I anticipated! I braved the slushy roads but the more I drove, they started clearing up and it turned out to be a beautiful day! A beautiful day for March :) Right as they were going to do their first look, it started snowing. It was perfect timing beautiful because who doesn't want a light layer of snow in their photos??

Their reception was intimate as they had  horderves and lots of games for all to get to know each other.  Enjoy!

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Hurley & Emma

I've been photographing these two since they were both in diapers. The best part of all? You'd think they're brother and sister; but they're actually COUSINS! There's nothing better than cousinly love! And Hurley and Emma got it. 


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Violet - 6 Months

Can somebody please just stop this cuteness. Violet is such a stinker. She loved giving me quick little smiles and then talked and talked and TALKED! Looks like she definitely found her voice. Loved meeting this little girly! It's especially neat since I got to photograph her mommy and daddys wedding a couple years back. Happy 6 months Violet! 

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My Lifestyle Shoot

Hey all! I am sharing some of my new 'in-home' lifestyle photos taken by my best friend  Jenny Marie Photography. She has a love for in-home shoots and  I couldn't pass up the opportunity of having her take these! She even was sweet enough to let me edit some of them myself for my blog!

Aria & Vada are what make my home complete.  Aria is my 2 and a half year old daughter who is known for her BIG personality! She is hilarious and tender hearted. Vada is a feisty little kitty that I got Aria as a Christmas gift. You know, the gift that keeps on giving. J These two are still learning how to ‘play’ together and not going to lie, some days are more exhausting than others, but I LOVE it so much!

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Jordan - 6 Months

Being an Aunt to a cutie like this is more than fun. Aria loves it just as much as I do! She loves to stand by me and make Jordan smile with toys and silly noises to make Jordan smile. :) 

Happy 6 Months cutie! 

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Myla - 2 Years

Well, Myla is TWO years old... and she braved -6ish degree weather for these photos. She even SMILED!! Dedication. Anyone else love Myla's almond eyes and style?!

I always enjoy photographing Myla and seeing her personality. She is going to do so many great things. :) Enjoy! 

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James - 6 Months

When baby boys have blue eyes and long lashes it just melts my heart. And makes me a bit jealous... James is an adorable 6 month old who braved the cold and didn't even shed a tear.  Enjoys these squishy cheeks!

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Tyler & Allison - Wedding

Tyler and Allison were married at St. Joseph's Church in Granville, with a reception following at the Le Mars Community Center. 

The sun as shining and the blanket of snow of the ground made for a gorgeous day, but it was probably the coldest wedding I've ever photographed! It was -7 with wind chills WAY below that!! But Tyler and Allison didn't let that deter them from having a fabulous day and I was so impressed with their great attitudes, even when they were standing in the snow without coats! 

I had the pr

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Jordan - 4 Months

My littlest nephew is 4 months old and is in.... 12 month clothes!! Jordan is off the charts in weight and length! Rolls on rolls on rollllssssss.

He has become such a chatter box and is one of the happiest babies I have yet to know. Anyone else love the stage when babies can coo and giggle? It is my absolute favorite.

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Trevor & Jessica - Wedding

Trevor and Jessica were married at First Reformed Church in Sioux Center on Friday, November 17, 2017. The reception followed at the Alton Golf Course.


With a miserably cold day on Thursday and a chance of snow on Saturday, we were so grateful for the beautiful weather we had on Friday! Trevor and Jessica had a rustic theme that was well rounded with the incorporation of shot gun shells in the flower bouquets and the bridesmaids' cowboy boots! It's so fun to see how each couple takes what they love and adds it to their wedding day. 

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Van Middendorp Family

Alexis is such a near and dear friend of mine. Seeing her become a wife, mommy, and watching her start her own business has been such a joy to see! I am so proud of her and all that she does! 

A few years ago we got together to dream and discuss our businesses and decided right then to team up! Alexis is my make-up artist and beautician for any of my brides! 

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